Finishing Up
I just wanted to take the time to submit one last post. I would post my term paper but I do not have it with me (the problem of not having internet at home!!) Instead, I just want to focus on the two presentations that I enjoyed the most. I enjoyed all of them, both the group and the individual, but there was one of each that were just incredible to me.
The Little Red Riding Hood group had such a unique presentation. I could see how much insight they had into the story, but it was so entertaining. The idea of having Freud psychoanalyze the story was so creative. Plus, the costumes were great, and this group by far had the best soundtrack.
The other presentation that was so fabulous to me was Allison's individual presentation. I have to say that the highlight of the entire course, for me, was when she began saying that she was comparing the story of the Pied Piper to "the Lizard King, Mr. Mojo Rising, or Jim Morrison." I was so utterly thrilled that I just about wet myself. When I am not pressed to finish final papers, I will sit down and read the whole paper that is posted on her sight. I am very excited to do so. I guess what got me was the fact that someone was so creative to connect a wonderful figure like Jim Morrison to Children's Literature and actually make it work. After Allison explained her ideas, it made complete sense to me. I wish I could explain more but I don't know how fully I can express my excitement over this presentation through a web-posting, but I guess I will just say that "it was really, really, really good!!"
That would really be all I have to say for now. See you all at the final!
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